Texans Deserve Abortion Care

Today in a 5-3-1 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade essentially eliminating constitutional protection for abortion and returning the matter to states for any regulation on the procedure. Here in Texas that means a trigger law set to go into effect that bans all abortions from the moment of fertilization with very few exceptions.

We mourn a system that refuses to protect our rights as voters when those same rights are consistently under attack yet determines that we should vote our way to reproductive freedom. It robs a people of their voice and place in the democratic process entirely to say a matter is returned to the people, their states and their elected representatives when those states are so gerrymandered and their voting laws increasingly so restrictive that the people struggle to hold power accountable.

Texans were already grappling with the fallout of SB 8 but this is a devastating decision for many Texans as well as others across the nation and it’s sure to be hardest felt in some of our most vulnerable communities – The same vulnerable communities who are already fighting for responsive representation because our lawmakers have drawn them out of their voting power through district maps that fail to reflect the Texas that truly is

In the days ahead we will all find ways to come together and lift up ways to take action from groups and Texans leading on this fight for abortion care.

And we will continue to stand in solidarity with all who seek access to abortion and medical care. Always.

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Our Vote Texas is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and voter rights in Texas through advocacy and outreach.


Our Vote Texas