Texas House Establishes Quorum - Lawmakers Must Continue To Fight For Texas Voters


Media Contact:
Valerie Street

Austin, TX - This evening, the Texas House of Representatives established quorum and with it comes the movement of deeply harmful legislation that targets many Texans including the advancement of SB 1, the anti-voter bill that was recently passed in the Senate.

Valerie Street, President of Our Vote Texas, issues the following statement:

“From the very start of this year, the Governor’s calls for legislative priorities across now multiple sessions have failed to prioritize the needs of Texans and have indeed sought to hurt some of our most vulnerable communities.

“The advancement of bills such as SB 1 and now potentially HB 3 seek to undo much of the innovative solutions that helped countless Texans vote safely amidst a pandemic in 2020. Now Texas finds itself in an even more dangerous scenario and the last thing we should do is seek to further restrict the ability of local officials to meet the challenges head-on so that Texas voters don’t have to pay the price.

“Our priorities must come down to helping Texans navigate the current COVID surge and that includes making sure Texas schools are able to take all necessary precautions towards keeping their students, our children, safe.

Texans deserve to vote safely and to vote in a state with leaders working towards championing all levels of civic engagement. SB 1 and HB 3 simply do not meet that standard.”

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Our Vote Texas is a people-powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter rights education in Texas. Formerly Texas Progressive Action Network.


Our Vote Texas