After A 15 Hour Filibuster, Texans Are Renewed In The Fight For Our Vote


Media Contact:
Valerie Street

Austin, TX - As afternoon turned to midnight turned to morning, Texans received a master class on the omnibus voter suppression bill, SB 1, that would hurt some of our most vulnerable communities of voters taught by Senator Carol Alvarado who filibustered the bill well into the 15 hour mark.

Shortly after her filibuster concluded, the Texas Senate gave final passage to SB 1 on an 18-11 vote.

Our Vote Texas issues the following statement:

"Our gratitude is immeasurable for the hard work of determined leaders this session to protect the vote and to push us one step closer to making real the promise of democracy for us all. Policies rooted in racist history must always be rejected outright and particularly when we have so many other dire issues before us as a state, bills like SB 1 that do so much to suppress the vote have no place anywhere in Texas.

"Senator Alvarado has waged an astounding fight over the course of 15 hours and in so doing, it allowed Texans tuning in to hear a detailed review of the harmful impact of SB 1 and to have a better understanding of what's at stake in this ongoing fight to defend our vote.

“This was also made possible by the voices of countless Texans who have gone before their lawmakers over and over and over this year speaking out against bad policies that would impact their ability to safely cast ballots or cast ballots at all. Through testimony, through letters, through phone calls, through protest Texans have shown up for one another. It is critically important that every Texan recognize that we have agency and that we can and must advocate for ourselves, our families and our communities.

“We must call out efforts to undermine our place at the ballot box always and loudly. Senator Alvarado has answered that call to action and we are heartened to have witnessed it. With the passage of this damning bill, we know our work to speak out for Texas voters must continue undaunted and we are thankful for all the Texans standing with us as we forge ahead."

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Our Vote Texas is a people-powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter rights education in Texas. Formerly Texas Progressive Action Network.


Our Vote Texas