Fair Maps Texas Action Committee Files Lawsuit Challenging Racially Discriminatory Redistricting

On Tuesday, Our Vote Texas, as part of the Fair Maps Texas Action Committee, along with others filed a lawsuit against Governor Abbott over the unlawful district maps passed in the legislative session.

For more, check out the Fair Maps Texas Action Committee release HERE.

Also see Southern Coalition for Social Justice release: SCSJ, Civil Rights Groups File Federal Lawsuit to Block Racially Discriminatory Redistricting in Texas

Valerie Street, President of Our Vote Texas releases the following statement:

"Texans spoke out this year in no uncertain terms about the need for a fair and open district drawing process that would put the needs of our communities ahead of politics and at a multiple points along the way, our pleas were ignored in favor of hastily drawn district maps that fracture us and silence the voices of countless Texans, none more so than Black, AAPI and Latino communities.

"In a year that has seen damaging voter suppression legislation be signed into Texas law and ongoing attacks on civics and history education, we know that these district maps continue a vicious pattern of disempowering Texas voters and entire communities of color. Texans have once again been cheated by our state's redistricting process and with all that our districts do to shape our communities and our very ability to thrive, everything is on the line.

"Our mission to advocate for Texas voters means we must continue working to ensure we all have a voice in shaping the future of our great state and so the fight for fair, representative maps must continue."

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Our Vote Texas is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and voter rights in Texas through advocacy and outreach.


Our Vote Texas