A Special Session Called To Target Many Texans


Media Contact:
Valerie Street

Austin, Texas - Today the Governor of Texas has released his agenda for the special legislative session which contains his priority issues for lawmakers to tackle over the days ahead.

Our Vote Texas issues the following statement:

“We are disheartened to see so many issues on the call that target Texans in multiple communities — Policies that single out transgender students, that further go after our learning spaces for civics and history education, and that hide under the guise of ‘election integrity’ when we have already seen how these policies make it needlessly harder and more complicated to cast a vote or participate in our elections despite the ever present fact that our 2020 election was secure.

“We will continue advocating for the rights of Texas voters throughout this session and to speak out against any attempts to undermine our place in the democratic process. “

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Our Vote Texas is a people-powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter rights education in Texas. Formerly Texas Progressive Action Network.


Our Vote Texas