Our Vote Texas Joins Moral March From Georgetown to Austin

Our Vote Texas was proud to join the Moral March from Georgetown to Austin on Day 3 of the multi-day demonstration because we honor the fight for all voters and we want to continue to send the message to Congress and the White House that the time is now to come together and fully protect the vote.

Inspired by the Selma to Montgomery marches, last week’s march helped raise an alert on the voter suppression happening not just in Texas but in many state houses in the nation. It was also intended to call upon this Congress and this White House to work together to pass the For The People Act, restore the Voting Rights Act of 1965, to raise the minimum wage and to protect our undocumented immigrant communities.

For more on the importance of the march, check out The Moral March Is A Call To Action We All Should Answer - by Valerie Street.

Now, today we join in the National Call-in Day in support of the #ForThePeopleAct.

If you believe that protecting our freedom to vote can no longer be delayed as well, take a minute today to call your senator and urge them to vote YES on it. Democracy can’t wait! 1.888.453.3211

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Our Vote Texas is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and voter rights in Texas through advocacy and outreach.


Our Vote Texas