Our Vote Texas Joins Letter to President Biden on Voting Rights and DC Statehood Legislation

Yesterday Our Vote Texas joined 150 other civil and voting rights groups in a letter to President Biden urging him to work with Congress to secure passage of federal voting rights legislation by any means necessary.

Our letter urges the President to push for the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act as well as the For The People Act because

As the letter points out, “Already, multiple states have rolled back early and mail voting, added new hurdles for voter registration, limited or eliminated ballot drop boxes, imposed burdensome and unnecessary voter identification requirements, stripped power from state and local election officials, and taken other steps to make voting more difficult.”

As many of us know, Texas has not been absent from this coordinated attack on the vote and the only reason our state has not yet been successful in making these damaging policies the law of the land is because dedicated lawmakers have chosen to stand with Texas voters and fight such bills using every tool at their disposal.

Congress and this administration must do the same.

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Our Vote Texas is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and voter rights in Texas through advocacy and outreach.


Our Vote Texas