Texas Lawmakers And Advocates Beat Back SB 7

Last night, May 30, in a remarkable turn of events, leaders in the Texas House chose to stand with Texas voters and walk out of the House chamber removing the necessary quorum to pass SB 7, an omnibus anti-voter, anti-democracy bill, rendering it effectively dead this legislative session. This bill would have made it senselessly more difficult for some of the most vulnerable voters in Texas to vote. 

From the outset, the shepherding of SB 7 through the legislative process was mismanaged and countless Texans spoke out against the harmful legislation. As it moved through session, opportunities for the public to continue to provide input on the shifting bill seemed to diminish and the legislative process for SB 7 grew ever more opaque.

For more on what happened last night, check out: Texas Democrats abandon House floor, blocking passage of voting bill before final deadline

Statement from Valerie Street, president of Texas Progressive Action Network:

We are heartened by the lawmakers who fought this fight tonight and saw it through to the end. We are especially grateful to the advocates and voters who spoke out all along the way with us to protect our voice and our place in democracy. 

We know that attacks on our vote will surely not stop with one legislative session, because we know our history.  As we’ve stated before, unfortunately our state has been in the ugly business of making voting needlessly more difficult for Texas voters for a shamefully long time.

The work continues to push back on senseless barriers to the ballot and we will continue to promote strong voter education for our fellow Texans.  Moreover, we will never stop working side by side with other Texas voters for a state where our vote is lifted up and never undermined.  Both our vote and the fight to protect our vote matter and tonight, Texans got to see exactly that.

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.


Texas Progressive Action Network