Message To Senate: Save The Census

Texas Progressive Action Network has joined with nearly 900 groups in urging the Senate to include language in the next COVID relief bill that would extend the statutory reporting deadlines for the 2020 Census by four months.

As we said earlier this week: A successful 2020 Census requires counting everyone and following-up with those who did not respond on their own. That’s a considerable job under normal circumstances but in the midst of the COVID crisis, it is necessary that Congress protect the 2020 Census by extending the statutory reporting deadlines for congressional apportionment data, and give the Census Bureau the time needed to complete the count.

For more, see our statement: Don't Cut Short Census Operations Toward A Complete Count.

The census is not partisan. It is a portrait of America and our communities can’t be erased.

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.

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