TPAN Opposes Motion To Proceed On Senate JUSTICE Act

Texas Progressive Action Network has joined with 138 groups to oppose the motion to proceed on JUSTICE Act (S. 3985) because this police reform legislation simply does not accomplish what we as a nation need in order to begin to see meaningful change and accountability from law enforcement.

It does not adequately acknowledge or address the persistent practice of racial profiling, does not include explicit bans on dangerous practices like chokeholds or no-knock warrants and it fails to address the militarization of police. It does not abolish qualified immunity and it does not appropriately criminalize reckless use of force.

At a time when the nation is demanding that its leaders rise up and bring an end to abusive practices by law enforcement that have too long enjoyed virtually blanket policy and funding support, it is necessary that we meet this moment with impactful change and not mere lip service that will only perpetuate these betrayals on whole communities.

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.

Texas Progressive Action Network