US Senate Fails Voters In Not Advancing Voting Rights Legislation


Media Contact:
Valerie Street

Austin, TX - Tonight the US Senate did not advance the Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act and also failed to reform Senate rules to allow for this much needed voter rights legislation.

Our Vote Texas President Valerie Street issues the following statement:

“For Texans who have spent the better part of the past year fighting for our rights as voters and pleading with the powers that be in Congress to bear witness to these battles and take decisive action, the failure of this US Senate to move forward with the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act is a blow to democracy and all that which these elected leaders are supposed to serve.

“We are living in an extraordinary time when we've seen a large rollback on voting access across multiple states, Texas included. This is a brazen anti-voter agenda that is sure to be emboldened at every turn if our lawmakers continue to willfully turn away from this growing threat or hide behind perceived Senate norms weaponized to stifle this nation’s progress.

“We will keep fighting to preserve and advance voter rights in the state of Texas wherever possible and for as long as it takes. We will keep championing federal legislation that brings critically needed voter protections for us all. There are those in power who would see fit to deny us our own by targeting our vote but we know that in building a more inclusive and better functioning democracy we can all prosper and will be all the better for it.”

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Our Vote Texas is a people-powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter rights education in Texas. Formerly Texas Progressive Action Network.


Our Vote Texas