TPAN Stands Opposed To Bills Like SB 7


Media Contact:
Valerie Street

Austin, TX - Texas Progressive Action Network stands opposed to SB 7 and other anti-voter legislation this session and issues this statement:

“Texas Progressive Action Network is opposing SB 7 and other filed bills this legislative session that take aim at Texas voters through legislation which would serve to worsen an already complex and complicated process. SB 7 is a bill that could create a host of unnecessary hurdles and impact some of our most vulnerable groups of voters.

“Bills drafted under the guise of ‘election integrity’ do little more than contribute to the cumulative effect of policies piled on top of one another that too often just result in more barriers to the ballot box. Where strong voter turnout occurs, the reaction from state leaders cannot and should not be one that punishes Texans for using their voices. Instead, we should be looking towards more innovative ways to foster the continued growth and success of voter participation because this yields a more representative and responsive government. Texas did indeed show up to the polls in our own record numbers last year but we still have a long way to go and working towards that level of participation should always be our goal and our North Star.

“The latest round of both Texas born and nationwide legislative acts are built on baseless claims regarding the 2020 General Election; it is time to lay such meritless claims to rest and work towards a democracy that best serves us all while offering a place for all our voices to be heard.”

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.


Texas Progressive Action Network