An Accurate 2020 Census Is Imperative For Texas - Everyone Counts


Media Contact:
Robert Gonzalez

Austin, TX - On Tuesday, July 21st, President Trump issued an Executive Memorandum with intent to bar those who are without citizenship in the United States from being included in the 2020 Census.

Texas Progressive Action Network stands against this action and remains committed to promoting a full and complete count because it is flatly unconstitutional not to count everyone in the census. Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment calls for counting the whole number of persons in each state.

"An accurate 2020 Census depends on us counting everyone AND on us not making it even harder on already hard-to-reach communities (of which Texas has) to get a complete count. Those without citizenship have long been included in the census throughout our nation’s history and that’s because your political representation needs to reflect what your state actually looks like. We know that this latest effort to suppress census participation and affect census data will only have significant harmful impact for states like Texas.” - Valerie Street, President of Texas Progressive Action Network  

Things to remember as this news continues developing:

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.

Texas Progressive Action Network