Senate Disregards The People's Call For Witnesses In Impeachment Trial

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Austin, TX - Statement by Valerie Street, president of Texas Progressive Action Network as the U.S. Senate has voted 51-49 to block witnesses from testifying in the Trump impeachment trial:

"Today's disappointment for the American voter is tomorrow's fuel to continue the mission to be a strong voice in the politics and issues that impact all our lives. 

"We were owed the truth and the facts, wherever they may lead us in these impeachment proceedings. That is precisely what Texas Progressive Action Network voiced support for when we issued our statement supporting the impeachment inquiry. That House inquiry ultimately led to the impeachment of President Donald Trump and what was to have happened next was that the case would go before the United States Senate where each senator would take an oath to serve as an impartial juror and continue to seek out the truth and the facts.  This is what would have constituted a fair, thorough trial. We were dependent on our lawmakers to obtain this. We were denied.

"What has been at stake throughout these proceedings is the security and integrity of our elections, particularly the upcoming 2020 presidential election.  It is unacceptable that our lawmakers would opt to end the possibility of any new information given in key witness testimony that could help hold attempted interference in that electoral process accountable.

"We believe in the power of our vote.  Our votes matter and it should also matter when those in power fail to defend that vote."  

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.

Texas Progressive Action Network