"I'm In This Fight" - Support the March On for Voting Rights!

We may not be able to take to the streets and march in solidarity with others all around the country this coming Saturday due to COVID surge but that doesn't mean we can't still let others know where we stand.

This Saturday marks the 58th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech and we want to uplift this important moment.

Let's show #VotingRightsMarch advocates that we’re with them and let’s show our nation’s leaders that we demand action. The time is NOW now!

Take a selfie pic with you holding up a paper saying why this fight matters to you.

Consider starting with “I’m in this fight because…."

Be sure to tag us and use the hashtag #votingrightsmarch so we can amplify you!

Remember that you can still be part of this movement on Saturday, August 28th, by following March On on Twitter and visiting March On for Voting Rights HERE!

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