TPAN Joins Call To Congress To Protect Voting Rights

Texas Progressive Action Network and over 150 other organizations are urging Congress to act now and appropriate a necessary $2 billion so that the nation can prepare for a November election that both prioritizes public safety and every eligible voter’s access to the voting process.

From the letter by the co-chairs of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights’ Voting Rights Task Force:

Congress must act now to provide funding and policy mandates so that all states and the District of Columbia are sufficiently prepared to administer an election that both protects the American public and also enables full participation by all eligible citizens, even – and especially – during a time of national crisis.  As outlined in our March 17, 2020 letter, any package addressing election assistance must require that states adopt a number of practices including the following:

  • an extended early in-person voting period (allowing citizens to vote over an expanded period rather than in a cluster on Election Day),

  • no-excuse absentee voting-by-mail (including a number of options through which to request and return ballots),

  • expanded voter registration options (including online voter registration and same-day voter registration),

  • prohibition of polling place adjustments that disproportionately impact vulnerable populations such as people of color, limited-English proficient citizens, people with disabilities, and students,

  • voter education (informing the public of new practices and immediately quashing disinformation as it arises).

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