TPAN Calls Out Today's Assault On Democracy


Media Contact:
Valerie Street

Texas Progressive Action Network issues the following statement condemning the assault on our democracy and the will of the voters:

Austin, TX - Today, in what was to be the tallying of electoral votes that would finalize the 2020 election, an act of domestic terrorism swept through our nation's Capitol and ripped at the very heart of our American democracy.

Let us be clear: Storming federal buildings to try to overthrow efforts to certify a lawful election is not mere protest. We condemn these acts; acts that were stoked by President Donald J. Trump and further enabled by leaders in Congress. Let us also be clear that these acts will not succeed. Domestic terrorists will not invalidate the 2020 election or the voice of voters.

Democracy will prevail, however, we cannot be blind to the destruction that today's events have wrought.
It is burned into our collective memories.

It is past time for our elected leaders to respect the will of the people.

We call upon members of Congress to fulfill their oath to serve and put aside baseless objections that erode the integrity of our elections while stoking fear, conspiracy and violence. We urge leaders to finish the task before them so that we may carry forward together in the hard but necessary work of building a democracy that better serves us all.

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Texas Progressive Action Network is a people powered nonprofit committed to advancing voter education and good public policy in Texas through advocacy and outreach.

Texas Progressive Action Network